Sunday, September 7, 2008

at the Bukit Timah Nature and huda....some of the signboards that we found outside the visitor centre....

at the visitor centre....we found this that shows us the official opening of the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve....

the bird's nest fern outside the visitors center....

due to time constraint....we adopted the South View Path which takes approx. 45 minutes walk in the nature reserve...some of the steps that we used while walking the South View Path...
this was the really cool and magnificent lianas that we saw when we first enter the path in the nature reserve....

while there were so many plants and trees surrounding us...this was the most eye capturing view....

the seraya trees....or so call the tropical hardwood tree....

this was one of the most magnificent pair of seraya tree that we spotted during our walk in the nature reserve....they stood high up in the tropical rainforest looking and watching out for the other trees and plants.... probably just like the Twin Tower in K.L.....

this was one of the other seraya tree we saw....also standing very high up....amazing view we caught...
look closer at the texture of the bark....

the natural landscapes have its greenery but at the same time cannot avoid the fate of natural disasters....while in Singapore there are no such disasters...lighnting strikes or heavy rains during the monsoon season may also cause the branches to break off and the tree to die eventually....
one of the surprise that we found while walking the trail....a very tiny frog....almost camouflaged by the leave.....but spotted by Mrs Hiew....

lichens are the patches that are usually found on the bark of the trees... and the whiter the patches that are found on the trees, the more it symbolises that the health of the tree is deterioriating....
this tree with the white lichens found on it was situated outside the visitor centre....

walking into the nature reserve, there were so many different varieties of plants and leaves that one can spot...n these were some of the few that i found quite interesting...

the red pea; or the chinese usually call it the 'xiang si dou' i guess... these long leaves appear to have a smooth and leathery surface...

furthermore, most of the leaves that are found in the nature reserve are commonly known as drip tip leaves so that the leaves are able to remove away the excess water or dew on it...

the was one of the leave that most of us found it both interesting and kind of 'gross'...

'gross' in the sense that when we really magnify the camera and look closer at the leaves, the unknown tiny yellow dots on the leaves puzzled us...

the colors of the soil also determines if the land around the area if fertile or not...
this was one of the area that we found in the nature reserve where the color of the soil looks slightly different from those that we found...

these are the plants that are usually spotted to be growing on other trees or plants...taking at a closer look from this tree, one would be able to spot some vine looking plants that twirls around the tree...

some plants also twirls around the wood from the small bridge as these plants grow towards the sunlight...where most of the sunlight shine at, these plants will grow towards the sunlight...

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